A New Day

This morning I woke up to the mist blanketing the farm and surrounding hills. The low cloud cover seemed to spill down into the valley only to hush the song birds and cause the spring flowers to drip with morning dew. Dawn was bringing a new day whether I was ready for it or not and Pteridactal the rude hen took that moment to screech outside the nursery window successfully waking Sweet Baby Q. Good morning Melville.
I had to hustle my bustle to make it to to my day job by 7.30am. I may be wearing an outfit that resembles a certain purple dinosaur- for the second time this week-, I may have mis matched socks, I may be wearing a hat to cover the horror that is my hair, but Q and I began our office work shuffle right on time.  In the middle of finalizing a sizeable contract that sweet baby of mine began a powerful poo. She was in the front pack so I didn’t realise until it was too late how that poo exploded into the front pack, covered Q, and was seeping into my sweatshirt.  Grimacing, I pushed forward to finalize the contract and mail it, feeling the poo juice continue to spread. 
After I completed my office tasks for the day and opened the front pack to release Q it was worse than I imagined.  Unable to tackle the crappy problem in the back of my vehicle due to a 125 lb mineral block for the cows, or the back seat due to more farm paraphernalia, changing her in the front seat was a struggle to say the least. Q was then happy as a clam at high tide, but I remained aromatic and damp from our recent adventure.  Needless to say I felt very chic.
Q and I now push onward into our Friday.  We are off to feed animals, visit family, and attempt to “train” for the 5k I am running this weekend.  Poopy, happy, and busy I try to treat every day like a new adventure because ready or not the world is bringing me another one tomorrow.


0 responses to “A New Day”

  1. I’ve only started to read this blog, but have smiled, laughed out loud and thoroughly enjoyed its content and can’t wait to read on.

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